Which TMS Comes Out on Top?

aqua and Katalon both aim to simplify test management and streamline QA processes. While both offer robust features, which tool provides a more seamless experience for handling complex testing challenges?

Key differences between aqua and Katalon

aqua offers advanced AI-powered testing

aqua provides flexible deployment options

aqua provides superior reporting and user management customisation


AI is a rapidly developing tech, so we will look at cutting-edge tech rather than the baseline. Hereā€™s what you should expect from an AI-powered test management solution:

  • Analyse your workspace to get QA context
  • Create test cases, defects, and even requirements from a plain text description
  • Complete test case drafts
  • Prioritise tests

Artificial intelligence (AI) is crucial in test management as it automates repetitive tasks, improves test coverage, and provides intelligent insights. aqua cloud delivers advanced AI capabilities to generate and manage tests effectively and fast, setting it apart from competitors.

Katalon logo
Auto-train AI Copilot with your tests
No AI capabilities
Generate entire tests with AI
No AI capabilities
Complete test drafts
No AI capabilities
Update tests for a changed requirement
No AI capabilities
Generate accurate test data
No AI capabilities
Auto-train AI Copilot with your tests
Generate entire tests with AI
Complete test drafts
Update tests for a changed requirement
Generate accurate test data
Katalon logo
No AI capabilities
No AI capabilities
No AI capabilities
No AI capabilities
No AI capabilities

Verdict: aqua wins by offering comprehensive AI-powered testing features that Katalon Studio does not fully support.

Test management

Test management is the main reason we are looking at these two tools. You should consider various aspects of handling test cases as well as traceability-minded features. These include:

  • Create, execute, share, and manage test cases in the workspace
  • Group tests into test scenarios, segment them into folders, assign labels
  • Quickly navigate the test suite, apply filters, use individual and shared views
  • See the entire execution history for a test case
  • Store a full log of changes for compliance
  • Visualise requirements coverage and dependencies between requirements, test cases, and defects

Effective test management includes creating, organising, executing tests, and ensuring traceability. Both aqua and Katalon excel in these areas, but aqua offers additional functionalities that enhance workflow efficiency.

Katalon logo
  • Test cases, test scenarios, bulk test edits, custom fields
  • Execution history
  • Quick navigation, filters, views
  • Timestamped item change history for compliance
  • Nested test cases
  • Release planning
  • Tampering-proof project logging
  • Item change reversal
  • Views
Not available
Shared views
Not available
Katalon logo
  • Test cases, test scenarios, bulk test edits, custom fields
  • Execution history
  • Quick navigation, filters, views
  • Timestamped item change history for compliance
  • Nested test cases
  • Release planning
  • Tampering-proof project logging
  • Item change reversal
  • Views
Shared views
Katalon logo
Not available
Not available
Verdict: aqua wins by providing enhanced security features like tampering-proof logging, giving it a stronger advantage in auditability compared to Katalon.


Most tools rely on automation via common third-party tools that QA specialists have been using for over a decade. The experience is much better when your test management solution has native integrations for industry-leading tools. REST API support is a must if you do not want to be at the vendorā€™s mercy for integrations.

  • First-party framework automation or third-party integrations with test automation tools
  • Native third-party integrations: Selenium, Jenkins, JMeter, SoapUI, Ranorex
  • Jira integration and/or Jira plugin
  • REST API support for integrating any tool

Seamless integrations with other tools are crucial for maintaining efficient workflows. Both aqua and Katalon offer extensive integrations, but their approaches differ.

Katalon logo
  • Jira integration with real-time project sync
  • Selenium, Jenkins for test automation
  • UFT, JMeter, SoapUI, Ranorex, Database MSSQL, Database Oracle for test automation
  • AI-driven integrations
Third-party bug trackers, Zapier
Available via integrations
Test recording tool Capture
No native test recording integration
Katalon logo
  • Jira integration with real-time project sync
  • Selenium, Jenkins for test automation
  • UFT, JMeter, SoapUI, Ranorex, Database MSSQL, Database Oracle for test automation
  • AI-driven integrations
Third-party bug trackers, Zapier
Test recording tool Capture
Katalon logo
Available via integrations
No native test recording integration
Details verdict icon: Tie
Verdict: Tie

Pricing flexibility

Tools differ in how much money they request upfront and what scaling looks like. Some criteria here are:

  • Monthly or annual billing
  • Free licences for browsing or even executing tests
  • High setup costs
  • Dependency on paying for other tools

Flexible pricing models accommodate different organisational sizes and budgets. aqua and Katalon both offer scalable pricing, but aqua provides more generous free licensing options.

Katalon logo
  • Free setup
Unlimited free licenses for manual testers
Not available
Katalon logo
  • Free setup
Unlimited free licenses for manual testers
Katalon logo
Not available

Verdict: aqua wins by offering additional no-cost lisences and more robust free licenses, making it more accessible for teams with budget constraints.

Deployment Models

On-Premise deployment is a must in many industries, yet vendors wonā€™t explicitly say if they donā€™t offer it. Depending on your security policies and scale, deploying in a non-vendor Cloud is a beneficial option too.

  • Vendor Cloud
  • External Cloud: AWS, Azure, etc.
  • On-Premise

Flexible deployment options are essential for meeting various security and compliance requirements. aqua and Katalon differ significantly in their deployment offerings.

Katalon logo
  • GDPR-compliant hosted cloud
Not availiable
Isolated Enterprise Custom Cloud (Any Azure data centre)
Available via custom arrangements
Custom Cloud
Available via custom arrangements
Katalon logo
  • GDPR-compliant hosted cloud
Isolated Enterprise Custom Cloud (Any Azure data centre)
Custom Cloud
Katalon logo
Not availiable
Available via custom arrangements
Available via custom arrangements
Verdict: aqua slightly wins by offering on-premise deployment options, catering to companies with strict data security and regulatory requirements that Katalon does not support.


QA dashboards serve two vital purposes. They help the QA team track their progress, but they also make other teams aware of potential bottlenecks. At a minimum, you should be able to include any data and share dashboards with the team.

  • Use all data of the workspace
  • Create private and shared dashboards
  • Choose between various types of graphs
  • Set up KPI/values alerts that arrive as email/app notifications

Dashboards provide critical insights and monitoring capabilities. Both aqua and Katalon offer customisable dashboards, but aqua includes advanced KPI alerting features.

Katalon logo
  • All data including custom fields
  • Pie, bar, stacked bar, table charts
  • External dashboard sharing
KPI Alerts
Does not offer KPI Alerts
Katalon logo
  • All data including custom fields
  • Pie, bar, stacked bar, table charts
  • External dashboard sharing
KPI Alerts
Katalon logo
Does not offer KPI Alerts
Verdict: aqua wins by offering KPI alerts, enabling proactive monitoring and timely responses to deviations in key metrics.


Reporting is important for both internal and external stakeholders. The goal here is to get what you need with as little or as much effort as possible. When a tool offers both a template library and rich customisation, that is a good start.

  • Access vendor-provided template library
  • Create custom layouts and save them
  • Use and transform any data
  • Apply text & image formatting
  • Add external data and imagery
  • Employ scripts and parametrisation to auto-update reports

Comprehensive reporting is essential for decision-making and compliance. aqua excels in customisable reporting options compared to Katalonā€™s more standard approach.

Katalon logo
  • Template library
  • Pivot tables
  • Diagrams
  • Parametrisation
  • Text & image formatting
Custom reports
Not available
External data & imagery
Not available
Custom layout (natively)
Not available
Scripts (natively)
Not available
Katalon logo
  • Template library
  • Pivot tables
  • Diagrams
  • Parametrisation
  • Text & image formatting
Custom reports
External data & imagery
Custom layout (natively)
Scripts (natively)
Katalon logo
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Verdict: aqua wins by providing powerful customisation in reporting, allowing users to create custom reports that meet specific needs.

User management

Precise user management is essential when working on multiple projects and/or working with external specialists. It will also save you a lot of pain from running crowd testing in the same test management solution.

  • Set default roles
  • Create custom roles
  • Apply per-user permissions
  • Authenticate users via SSO

Effective user management ensures security and operational efficiency. Both aqua and Katalon offer role-based permissions, but aqua provides more granular control.

Katalon logo
  • SSO
  • Default user roles
  • Custom roles
Individual permissions
Not available
Not available
Role permissions only
Katalon logo
  • SSO
  • Default user roles
  • Custom roles
Individual permissions
Not available
Katalon logo
Not available
Role permissions only
Verdict: aqua wins by offering individual permission settings, allowing for more precise access control compared to Katalonā€™s role-based permissions.


This is not a hard requirement, but you may be interested in a test management solution that also handles the entire product lifecycle. This is a great money saver as you need licences from fewer vendors, and the synergy should save you some hours as well.

  • Test case management
  • Requirements management
  • Defect management
  • Project management

Comprehensive ALM capabilities cover test case management, defect tracking, requirements management, and project management. Both aqua and Katalon provide robust ALM functionalities.

Katalon logo
  • Test case management
  • Defect management
  • Requirements management
  • Project management
Katalon logo
  • Test case management
  • Defect management
  • Requirements management
  • Project management
Details verdict icon: Tie
Verdict: Tie

What people say

Here are a few things people like and dislike about both tools.

Katalon logo
star star star star star

ā€œI loved how easy it was to migrate to aqua. It was our first test management solution, and we liked what we saw in the demo. It took less than a week to get started with the full version. Our testing was a bunch of Excel spreadsheets before, and aqua provides a completely different level of convenience and transparency.ā€

Anna R.

E-commerce manager

star star star star

ā€œI like Katalon's user interface as It is easy to use, user friendly and can be implemented easily. I also like its extensive automation testing capabilities which can be easily integrated with various tools and frameworks. The issues that I noticed with Katalon is that it hangs when running complex automation scenarios or executing multiple test suites. Application gets freeze for some time when switching from one test case tab to another.ā€

Sunny K.

System Engineer

star star star star star

ā€œMy personal favourite is the reporting functionality. Basic templates often do the job, but the customisation is almost PowerBi-deep (at least for our purposes). I also use dashboards to track the state of test cases in real-time.ā€

Vladimir R.

Leader, service MENA

star star star

ā€œI really love how easy it makes the automation process, besides how easy to use and understand this program is. However, it can improve the execution on mobile devices. It happened to me many times in the past that during execution the session just closes itself so the automation fails.ā€

Kimberly M.

QA Manager

star star star star star

ā€œI loved how easy it was to migrate to aqua. It was our first test management solution, and we liked what we saw in the demo. It took less than a week to get started with the full version. Our testing was a bunch of Excel spreadsheets before, and aqua provides a completely different level of convenience and transparency.ā€

Anna R.

E-commerce manager

star star star star star

ā€œMy personal favourite is the reporting functionality. Basic templates often do the job, but the customisation is almost PowerBi-deep (at least for our purposes). I also use dashboards to track the state of test cases in real-time.ā€

Vladimir R.

Leader, service MENA

Katalon logo
star star star star

ā€œI like Katalon's user interface as It is easy to use, user friendly and can be implemented easily. I also like its extensive automation testing capabilities which can be easily integrated with various tools and frameworks. The issues that I noticed with Katalon is that it hangs when running complex automation scenarios or executing multiple test suites. Application gets freeze for some time when switching from one test case tab to another.ā€

Sunny K.

System Engineer

star star star

ā€œI really love how easy it makes the automation process, besides how easy to use and understand this program is. However, it can improve the execution on mobile devices. It happened to me many times in the past that during execution the session just closes itself so the automation fails.ā€

Kimberly M.

QA Manager

Final verdict

aqua and Katalon Studio are both competent test management and automation tools. However, aqua wins this comparison as a TMS with its superior AI-driven features, flexible deployment options including on-premise, more generous free licensing, and advanced customisation in reporting and user management. Although Katalon is a well-known low-code automation framework for its web and API testing capabilities, as an all-around test management solution, it falls slightly short due to its niche capabilities. These features make aqua a more versatile and scalable solution for companies seeking a comprehensive and future-proof QA tool.

Katalon logo
Bleeding-edge AI testing functionality
Traditional QA only
More granular permissions
Role-based permissions only
Customisable workflows and shared views
Standard workflow efficiency
Bleeding-edge AI testing functionality
More granular permissions
Customisable workflows and shared views
Katalon logo
Traditional QA only
Role-based permissions only
Standard workflow efficiency