aqua AI-powered test case management tool: Save hours days with well-organised test suite

With aqua you will make the most out of your test suite and expand it in a sustainable way. Organise test cases into test scenarios, update them in a couple of clicks, and set up a robust and self-sufficient test infrastructure to cover all bases

aqua test case management tool

Why choose aqua as test case management software


Use AI to test faster than ever

Open a requirement and auto-create an entire aqua test case covering it. Describe a test in plain words and get full test steps for it. Auto-prioritise your test cases to see which tests you must execute before deploying. Accelerate testing and ensure your most critical tests are identified and executed flawlessly before the new build goes live.

aqua AI sneak peek

Track requirement coverage at a glance

Use the overview on Requirements page to see how many test cases and test scenarios cover each requirement. Make informed decisions and ensure comprehensive testing coverage effortlessly.

Track requirement coverage at a glance

Nail the item relations

Utilise the Dependencies functionality to mark how one item details / verifies / duplicates / depends on / is related to / has precondition for others. Establish and maintain intricate connections between various testing components, fostering a structured and organised testing culture.

Nail the item relations

Set up governing workflows

Configure workflows that will automatically enforce the order of item status changes, required item fields, transition restrictions and more. Ensure mandatory item fields are completed and get a cohesive framework for a streamlined and controlled testing process.

Set up governing workflows

Run nested test cases

Reuse frequent test steps, such as the ubiquitous "logging in", with aqua’s efficient nested test cases functionality. Seamlessly insert nested test steps into test cases or even nested tests into similar test scenarios. Update nested items once, and all tests that reference them will also use the updated version.

Run nested test cases

Boost QA efficiency with automation

Natively integrate aqua with 10+ top automated QA tools covering all types of testing. Expand your capabilities further by effortlessly connecting any other tool of your choice via the versatile REST API.

Boost QA efficiency with automation

Save 6.38 hours a week on test management with aqua

Get much more than just test case tracking tool

Banking-grade traceability

Vast regulatory compliance

Unlimited number of free basic licences (perfect for manual QA)

REST API support

1-day migration

Unlimited ticket capacity

Solid QA-Developer communication

Frequent feature updates

Enjoy extra value no matter the job title

Give your engineers the test plan tool they deserve — with plenty of value for non-tech colleagues as well

🔍 QA Specialist
👩‍💼 Tech Leads
🖥️ Upper Management

Hi, tester

  • Reduce excessive clicking Cut down on manual changes to test cases with bulk updates
  • Use a web testing time-saver Use Chrome extension for web testing to minimise switching between tool for test case management and app under the test
  • Mix-and-match your tools Connect any QA tool to get data from aqua and into aqua
QA specialists

Hi, Tech Lead

  • Replace four tools with just one Utilise aqua for test management, defect, management, requirements management, and project management
  • Shape aqua to your needs Set up custom project hierarchy and automated workflows
  • Optimise delivery and avoid bottlenecks Help your team deliver every couple of weeks if not days with a powerful QA test case management tool
Usage of qa testing tool aqua

Hi, upper management

  • Eliminate the bus factor Futureproof your IT infrastructure with solid documentation and traceability
  • Stay compliant with little effort Breeze past regulatory audits with simplified & automated compliance
  • Reclaim your profits Improve the bottom line by up to 5% with superior and efficient quality assurance
Upper Management

Used by the world’s most innovative teams

Our clients speak for us

Companies that want to keep up with digital change trust in aqua


“I was surprised to find such a comprehensive and mature tool for test management in the German market not having taken it seriously beforehand.”

Jörg Großmann, Head of Development, Bank 11

“The reporting is meaningful and provides a good basis for decisions. After the employees have used aqua, they recognize the added value very quickly.”

Thomas Haeske, Head of Organisation/IT, Berlin Hyp

“The aqua support and development team is a reliable partner for the implementation of the customer requirements of the KBA.”

Jörn-Hendrick Sörensen, Test Manager, KBA

“Manual test cases are easily automated with aqua. Seamless integration with test automation tools helps here.”

Dennis Seidel, QA Specialist, megapharm

“Designing parameterizable and modular test cases means a very slim structure, enables a high reusability and accelerates creation of new tests.”

Slavcho Mavrodiev, Head of Software Development, CREM SOLUTIONS

“I was surprised to find such a comprehensive and mature tool for test management in the German market not having taken it seriously beforehand.”

Jörg Großmann, Head of Development, Bank 11

“The reporting is meaningful and provides a good basis for decisions. After the employees have used aqua, they recognize the added value very quickly.”

Thomas Haeske, Head of Organisation/IT, Berlin Hyp

“The aqua support and development team is a reliable partner for the implementation of the customer requirements of the KBA.”

Jörn-Hendrick Sörensen, Test Manager, KBA

“Manual test cases are easily automated with aqua. Seamless integration with test automation tools helps here.”

Dennis Seidel, QA Specialist, megapharm

“Designing parameterizable and modular test cases means a very slim structure, enables a high reusability and accelerates creation of new tests.”

Slavcho Mavrodiev, Head of Software Development, CREM SOLUTIONS

Push your test coverage to 98+% with aqua test management solution


What is test case management?

Test case management refers to the QA flow of creating & modifying tests, executing them, then storing and processing test reports.

What is a test case management tool?

Test case management tools are the primary driver of the quality assurance process. They are used to create tests, store tests, update tests to meet new requirements, and run analytics.

What are the benefits of using aqua as a test case management tool?

aqua comes with a revolutionary AI copilot that makes entire tests based on requirements and completes your drafts. It is also a very mature tool with lots of integrations, great customisation, and industry-leading reporting.

What integration does aqua support?

aqua supports integrations with JIRA, PowerShell & UnixShell, Ranorex, Jenkins, UFT, JMeter, Database MSSQL, SoapUI, Database Oracle. You can also connect any other tool via REST API.

What if I’m already using a different test case management tool?

Even if you already use a different test case management tool, it’s the perfect time to consider upgrading to aqua. With features like AI-powered test case creation, intuitive requirement coverage tracking, and seamless integrations with top QA tools, aqua ensures a smoother transition while empowering your team to achieve greater efficiency and accuracy in your testing processes. aqua not only simplifies the migration process but also enhances your testing capabilities significantly. Make the switch to aqua and experience a new level of test case management excellence.

aqua is designed to bring unmatched efficiency and precision to the software testing process. Fewer clicks, enhances automation, and intelligent decisions. Here’s how you can seamlessly achieve it with aqua

  • Superior efficiency through AI: Offering the power of AI, aqua enables you to test faster than ever before. You can auto-create test cases from requirements and make QA scaling effortless. Simply describe a test in plain words, and aqua generates comprehensive test steps automatically. Scale your QA results without scaling time efforts.
  • Prioritised testing, optimised results: Additionally, aqua helps you prioritise test cases intelligently, ensuring critical tests are executed before deployment when the deadline is tight. This efficiency boost is a game-changer for agile development teams striving for speed and accuracy.
  • In-depth test coverage, no overlooked requirements: With aqua, you can easily track test cases and scenarios for each requirement to ensure complete coverage.
  • Seamless workflow, structured precision: aqua also empowers you to set up governing workflows that enforce item status changes, required fields, and mandatory assignees for each stage. This ensures that the testing process follows a structured and controlled path, minimising error and enhancing the overall quality of the software.
  • Integration meets adaptability: Whether it’s running nested test cases or integrating with an array of automated QA tools, aqua streamlines your testing process and positions itself as the ultimate choice for modern test case management.
test case management tool