aqua ensures that bugs in your software are discovered, tracked, fixed, and never come back again. Save hours on every step of the journey
Organise a native defect tracking workflow for maximum efficiency. Create mandatory fields, establish required steps, and auto-notify relevant specialists
Use aquaās tight integration with Capture, a next-generation test recording solution that automatically stores videos and saves logs of test execution
See what bugs were marked as fixed since the last time you ran a particular test case
Enhance defect reporting software with QA dashboards to track defectsā lifecycle. Receive KPI alerts when a bug stays unfixed for too long
Use industry-leading customisable reports wizard to observe key QA metrics and see how they line up with
Banking-grade traceability
Vast regulatory compliance
Unlimited number of free basic licences
REST API support
1-day migration
AI-powered testing
High test reusability
Powerful bug reporting tool
Frequent feature updates
Give your engineers the defect management tool they deserve ā with plenty of value for colleagues
Hi, tester
Hi, Tech Lead
Hi, upper management
Our clients speak for us
Companies that want to keep up with digital change trust in aqua