aqua integration with REST API

Add any software to your testing

Our powerful REST API solution helps you access and change data on your aqua server with any tool to test ā€” REST API is that powerful.

Simple setup

It takes only three steps to get started with REST API integration testing


Set up aqua server

REST API integration comes with all aqua tiers at no extra cost

Set up aqua server

Perform user authentication

Create oauth2 tokens for your employees so they can reach aqua in third-party tools

Perform user authentication

Connect your tools to aqua

Use our 600-page documentation conforming to universal Open API principles

Connect your tools to aqua

aqua+REST API functionality

There are infinfite opportunities, such as using REST API + performance testing tools. Below are just some examples

Process information from aqua items and test executions

Process information from aqua items and test executions

Create new aqua items or modify existing ones

Create new aqua items or modify existing ones

revoke user permissions

Grant/revoke user permissions


Create test executions


Automate bulk inputs such as assigning thousands of users to a project


Create interfaces to use aqua as part of in-house systems or automation tools

Try aqua yourself ā€” 30-day trial

Looking for detail?

aqua is the ALM for all your needs

Infinite scaling

Unlimited number of test steps & cases. aqua works fast even with millions of items

Unlimited number of test steps & cases. aqua works fast even with millions of items

Manual & automated tests

Deep integration with automation agents. Manage results along with manual findings

Deep integration with automation agents. Manage results along with manual findings


Test scenarios to run many test cases. Bulk edits to update thousands of tests at once

Test scenarios to run many test cases. Bulk edits to update thousands of tests at once

Unlimited room for integrations

REST API helps linking any solution to aqua. The documentation is over 600 pages, coveirng REST API testing tools and much more

REST API helps linking any solution to aqua. The documentation is over 600 pages, coveirng REST API testing tools and much more

Cloud & On-Premise

aqua on-premise meets all the regulatory requirements. Cloud servers are in the EU

aqua on-premise meets all the regulatory requirements. Cloud servers are in the EU

Simple migration

Moving to aqua takes one day on average. Our migration tool makes it cheap

Moving to aqua takes one day on average. Our migration tool makes it cheap

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