Best practices Management
4 mins read
June 4, 2024

aqua cloud Receives IT Management Software Recognition from a Renowned Finance Sector Platform

FinancesOnline, a well-known reputable review software platform, gives aqua cloud the Rising Star Award, marking it for its great work as IT management software in the FinTech sector. This award is given to IT management software brands that have enjoyed a steady growth in the number of loyal customers and happy users for a while now.

Nurlan Suleymanov
Stefan Gogoll

On its website, FinancesOnline published a thorough review of aqua cloud, focusing on its robust features. Based on the software experts, this platform helps development teams organise tests, make testing cases bigger, and switch from manual to automated processes without any problems.Ā 

In addition, the platform specifically highlighted and emphasised features of aqua like analytics in real-time, enterprise-level reports, and clear QA and development processes. aqua cloud makes it easy to work together and automate tasks by connecting to well-known issue trackers and automation tools like JIRA, Selenium, Jenkins, and JMeter.Ā 

Several features make up aqua cloud: Generative AI (AI copilot), test management, user acceptance testing, built-in bug tracking, capture bug reporting, requirements management tool, application testing, and automation management.Ā 

First, it has integrated generative AI capabilities. aqua cloud uses AI to speed up and simplify the test life cycle. Its artificial intelligence (AI) model understands language and context to turn speech into requirements, make test cases, and pinpoint patterns.Ā 

Wait times and extra costs are eliminated, and security and privacy are improved compared to traditional options like ChatGPT.

Second, the software offers comprehensive bug recording. Capture, which is built right into the system for speed and efficiency, makes it easy to record and share bugs with aqua cloud. Normal bug reports are useless because Capture records all test steps automatically.Ā 

This then gives developers access to video records with transcripts that are time-stamped.

Third, users can apply advanced test management. aqua cloud makes test case organization better by easily handling both manual and automated scenarios. This platform uses embedded test cases to run tests offline. Besides that, users can use the AquaTest script library to reuse artefacts without any problems.

Lastly, this tool provides industry-leading reporting. aqua cloud has the best reporting tools, with 7 reports to choose from to keep track of project progress. It’s possible to send reports in PDF, HTML, Excel, Word, and other forms. aqua cloud also has more detailed reports and changing dashboards that give many different measures and KPIs for clear QA insights.

Want to give yourself an edge in a competitive QA industry? Benefit from all the abovementioned features, and rely on aqua cloud for all your testing efforts. Generate test cases from requirements in seconds, have a centralised repository for all your testing progress and achieve 100% traceability with aqua cloud. aqua takes away the pain of testing and turns all your QA efforts into a breeze.

Automate 200% of your testing efforts with the first AI-powered tool in QA

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The IT industry continues to expand as more people are inclined to technology use. According to Statista, it is expected that the global information technology (IT) business will spend about 5.3 trillion U.S. dollars in 2022. Asia is also likely to make a big difference in the global IT industry, with 31% of the market. The global industry is projected to keep growing at a rate of 5% per year until 2024.

The benefits and features given are what review sites look for in their list of top IT management software today. aqua cloud would like to thank FinancesOnline for giving us the chance to be recognized by a well-known review site.

We appreciate our loyal customers who patronise our services. There are many more years that our team can serve you all.

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