bug reporting
Best practices Management
19 mins read
July 9, 2024

The ultimate bug reporting guide you should not miss

As a QA professional, you know that bug reports are the backbone of delivering exceptional software. But have you ever found yourself struggling with conveying bugs effectively, resulting in delays, misunderstandings, and frustration among your team?

Robert Weingartz
Nurlan Suleymanov

Bug reporting is a skill that requires your full focus, precision, clarity, and a deep understanding of the development process. In this comprehensive guide, tailored for seasoned professionals like you, we address the significant points many encounter when documenting and communicating bugs. By this article’s end, we will equip you with vital knowledge and highly efficient strategies on how to write a bug report.

What is bug reporting?

Bug reporting in software testing is documenting and communicating defects found in software applications or systems. When testing the software from various aspects, you will encounter problems, glitches, or unexpected behaviour, which are all what users simply call bugs. They range from minor, surface-level defects to critical functionality issues that impact the user experience greatly.Ā 

When creating a bug report, you must provide a clear and detailed description, including steps to reproduce it, system information, and other relevant data. This report should be shared with developers and also accessible by project managers and other stakeholders involved in development.Ā 

Bug reports are a crucial bridge between testing and development teams, ensuring that the development team effectively understands and addresses identified issues. A well-written bug report helps developers understand the problem and provides essential context, making it easier to diagnose and fix the issue efficiently, as often reflected in bug tracking software. Effective bug reporting is vital in maintaining software quality, meeting project deadlines, and fostering collaboration between testing and development teams.

Qualities of an effective bug report

The question ā€œWhat is a good bug report?ā€ also can be rephrased as ā€œWhat qualities should a well-crafted bug report include?”. So here are the criteriaĀ  you should apply when creating and assessing bug reports:Ā 

  1. Conciseness: An effective bug report is succinct and to the point, avoiding unnecessary fluff and focusing on providing essential information to understand the issue quickly.Ā 
  2. Clarity: A bug report should use clear and straightforward language to convey the problem, leaving no room for ambiguity or misinterpretation.Ā 
  3. Relevance: A quality bug report includes only the information related to the bug. Unrelated details can distract developers from identifying the core issue.Ā 
  4. Objectivity: Bug reports should avoid personal opinions or assumptions and only include factual information.Ā 
  5. User-centric perspective: A good bug report highlights how the bug affects the user experience and the importance of resolving the issue.Ā 
  6. Effective structure: The bug report should include a summary, description, reproduction steps, expected and actual results, environment, etc.Ā 
  7. Evidence-based: Whenever possible, include evidence to support the bug report, such as screenshots, videos, logs, or error messages. This strengthens the report’s credibility and helps replicate the bug.Ā 
  8. Context awareness: An effective bug report demonstrates an understanding of the application’s context, including its functionalities, use cases, and system architecture.Ā 
  9. Timeliness: A quality bug report is submitted promptly after discovering the bug, increasing the chances of the issue being addressed sooner.Ā 
  10. Collaborative spirit: Approach bug reporting as a collective effort to improve software quality rather than a blame game. Use the right language to foster a positive working relationship between testers and developers.Ā 
  11. Attention to detail: Some minor details may seem insignificant or slightly too long to write but could be crucial in identifying (and not misidentifying) the root cause of the bug.Ā 
  12. Error classification: Categorise the bug based on its nature, such as functional, performance, or usability issues. This aids developers in prioritising and tackling different types of bugs efficiently.Ā 
  13. Follow-up and communication: Follow up with developers to provide additional information or clarify any points in the bug report. Be open to discussions and work together towards a resolution.Ā 
  14. Knowledge sharing: Use bug reports to share knowledge among team members, enhancing the collective understanding of the application and potential issues.
  15. Empathy: Recognise that developers are also striving for excellence, and approaching bug reporting with empathy can lead to a more constructive and positive development process.

Most important features of a bug report

The most important features of a bug report provide essential elements to help your team understand, reproduce, and address the reported issue effectively. Here are the key features every bug report should include:Ā 

  1. Title: Summarise the issue with a clear and concise yet descriptive title.Ā 
  2. Description: Include a brief description of the bug to tell what goes wrong and how widespread and/or impactful the issue is.Ā 
  3. Steps to reproduce: Add step-by-step instructions on reproducing the bug and help developers recreate the issue.Ā 
  4. Expected results: Clearly state what the expected behaviour should be when the bug is not present.Ā 
  5. Actual results: Describe what happens in the application when the bug occurs.Ā 
  6. Environment information: Include relevant information about the environment, like the OS, browser version, and device type.Ā 
  7. Attachments: Add screenshots, videos, or other media visually demonstrating the bug.
  8. Reproducibility rate: Specify the reproducibility rate to show developers how frequently the bug occurs.Ā 
  9. Severity and priority: Indicate the severity level of the bug (e.g., critical, major, minor) and its priority (e.g., high, medium, low) based on perceived business impact and urgency.Ā 
  10. Isolation information: Help to narrow down the root cause by specifying whether the bug is reproducible only in specific scenarios or environments.Ā 
  11. Additional context: Provide any other relevant context, such as the steps leading up to the bug, related bugs, or recent changes in the codebase that you think may have caused the issue.Ā 
  12. Logs and error messages: If applicable, include relevant logs or error messages that may assist developers in diagnosing the problem.Ā 
  13. Assigned to: Indicate the person or team responsible for addressing the bug.Ā 
  14. Reporter information: Identify the person who reported the bug, allowing for follow-up questions or clarification if needed.
  15. Status and progress: Keep the bug report updated with the current status of the bug and the progress made.

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How to write bug reports step-by-step

Here are the step-by-step instructions for writing a bug report:Ā 

Step 1: Observe the bugĀ 

Thoroughly test the application and identify any unexpected behaviour, errors, or issues.Ā 

Step 2: Reproduce the bugĀ 

Attempt to reproduce the bug in a controlled environment. Note down the exact steps to recreate the issue.Ā 

Step 3: Gather informationĀ 

Collect relevant details about the bug, including the operating system, browser, device, application version, and other relevant environment information.Ā 

Step 4: Define the bugĀ 

Write a clear and descriptive title summarising the bug concisely.Ā 

Step 5: Describe the bugĀ 

Provide a detailed description of the bug, explaining what happened, where it occurred, and its impact on the application.Ā 

Step 6: Include the expected resultsĀ 

Clearly state what the expected behaviour should be when the bug is not present.Ā 

Step 7: Include the actual resultsĀ 

Describe the actual behaviour observed when the bug occurred and how it differed from the expected results.Ā 

Step 8: Attach visual evidenceĀ 

Capture screenshots, videos, or other visual evidence demonstrating the bug.Ā 

Step 9: State bug severity and priorityĀ 

Evaluate the bug’s severity (e.g., critical, major, minor) based on its impact on the application and prioritise it for fixing (e.g., high, medium, low).Ā 

Step 10: Include additional contextĀ 

Include any other relevant information that may help developers understand the bug better, such as related workflows or recent changes in the codebase.Ā 

Step 11: Isolate the bugĀ 

Identify whether the bug is specific to certain modules or conditions.Ā 

Step 12: Assign the bugĀ 

Indicate the person or team responsible for addressing the bug.Ā 

Step 13: Submit the bug reportĀ 

Submit the bug report to the appropriate bug-tracking system or development team.Ā 

Step 14: Follow up and collaborate

Engage in follow-up discussions with developers, provide additional information if needed, and collaborate on resolving the bug.Ā 

Step 15: Verify the fixĀ 

Once the bug is fixed, verify the resolution and provide feedback in the bug report.

Example of the bug report

Below is a bug report example that shows everything you should include in your report. Although it is a basic sample, you can also use this as a bug report template:

Title: Search Functionality Not Returning ResultsĀ 

Description: When using the search functionality on the website, no search results are displayed, even for valid and commonly used keywords.Ā 

Steps to Reproduce:Ā 

  1. Go to the homepage (https://www.ourwebsite.com).Ā 
  2. Locate the search bar at the top right corner of the page.Ā 
  3. Enter the keyword “product” into the search bar.Ā 
  4. Click the “Search” button or press the “Enter” key.Ā 

Expected Results:Ā 

The search results page should display a list of products related to the keyword “product.”Ā 

Actual Results:Ā 

After the search, the search results page remains empty, and no products are displayed.Ā 

Environment Information:Ā 

  • Operating System: Windows 10Ā 
  • Browser: Google Chrome Version 94.0.4606.81 (Official Build) (64-bit)Ā 

Screenshots: (Attach relevant screenshots showing the empty search results page)Ā 

Bug Severity and Priority:Ā 

Severity: MajorĀ 

Priority: HighĀ 

Additional Context:Ā 

  • This issue occurs consistently on all pages of the website.Ā 
  • The search functionality worked correctly until a website update two days ago.Ā 
  • No error messages are displayed; the search page simply appears blank.Ā 

Isolation Information:Ā 

The issue seems unrelated to specific user accounts or login status, as it occurs for both logged-in and guest users.Ā 

Assigned To:Ā 

Development Team Bug report example

Reporter Information:Ā 

QA Tester, John Doe (john.doe@example.com)Ā 

Status and Progress:Ā 

  • Reported on: DD/MM/YYYYĀ 
  • The development team is investigating the issue.

ā€œEvery time you report a bug, you should explain how exactly the product is brokenā€

Yegor Bugayenko, Director of System Programming at Huawei

List of the best bug reporting tools

Here is a list of some famous and highly regarded bug-reporting tools used by devs and testers:Ā 


  1. Jira is a widely used bug tool developed by Atlassian. It offers extensive customisation options and integrates well with other development tools but canā€™t handle the actual QA lifecycle and can be challenging for non-tech users with its extensive features and configurations.
  2. Bugzilla is an open-source bug-tracking system that provides a simple interface for reporting and managing bugs. While it can effectively handle bug tracking for smaller teams, Bugzilla will encounter performance issues or complexity challenges when used for extensive, enterprise-level projects with high volumes of bugs and users.
  3. Mantis Bug Tracker is another open-source bug-tracking tool with a user-friendly interface and a range of features for bug management, but it has a limited number of integrations with other development and project management tools.
  4. YouTrack was developed by JetBrains, known for its powerful search and filtering capabilities, however, configuring workflows and settings to align with specific team processes might require a steeper learning curve and more time investment than simpler bug-tracking tools.

aqua cloud - the ultimate, modern bug-tracking tool

But if you are looking for all-in-one bug-tracking software that meets Enterprise demands and regulatory requirements, aqua cloud is the solution you are looking for. Using aqua for your issue-tracking efforts, you can:

  • Build a troubleshooting pipeline with defined workflows to effectively manage the defects’ lifecycle.

troubleshooting pipeline

  • Use aqua’s native integration with Capture for simple bug reporting and test recording with just one click. Capture includes a video recording, timestamped actions log, DevTools data, and hardware/OS information for comprehensive bug reports.

bug reports with capture

  • Save time on fix validation by quickly seeing bugs marked as fixed since the last execution of the test case.Ā 
  • Leverage aqua’s AI to automatically detect and eliminate duplicate defects, reducing the number of reported bugs by up to 20%.Ā 
  • Create test cases with aqua copilot: aqua Copilot offers a streamlined approach to creating test cases, especially for edge cases, automatically generating test scenarios, including edge cases, saving time and ensuring thorough test coverage.
  • Involve non-tech individuals in bug reporting by setting up intuitive defect templates for easy issue sharing.

simple bug reporting for non-tech people

  • Save time on regular testing by executing aqua test cases with Capture, allowing seamless defect ticket creation without interrupting the testing process.

As the ultimate QA testing tool, aqua also offers comprehensive analytics, helping you identify issues requiring immediate attention. From efficient fix validation to smooth collaboration between teams, aqua optimises your testing efforts, enabling you to streamline your testing efforts by eliminating redundant tasks.

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Effective bug reporting is a vital skill for senior testers and QA engineers to ensure high-quality software delivery. This comprehensive guide has explored core principles and best practices to craft impactful bug reports. You can streamline workflows and enhance bug resolution efficiency by prioritising clarity, collaboration, and leveraging tools like aqua cloud. Engaging in continuous learning and fostering a culture of open communication will drive software excellence, leading to a future where every reported bug is an opportunity for progress. Happy bug reporting!

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What are the steps of a bug report?

The steps of a bug report include providing a clear title, a detailed description of the issue, steps to reproduce the bug, expected and actual results, environment information, attachments (if applicable), bug severity and priority, additional context, isolation information, assigned personnel, reporter information, and ongoing status and progress updates. These steps ensure effective communication between testers and developers, leading to efficient bug resolution and improved software quality.

What is a bug reporting tool used for?

Bug reporting tools are used to document and manage software defects or bugs encountered during the testing process. These tools provide a centralised platform for testers and QA professionals to record detailed information about the bugs, including their descriptions, reproduction steps, severity, and priority levels. Bug reporting tools facilitate effective communication between testing and development teams, enabling developers to understand and address the reported issues promptly. Additionally, these tools often offer features like bug tracking, workflow management, and analytics, which help organise, prioritise, and resolve bugs in a structured manner, leading to improved software quality and a smoother software development life cycle.

What is a bug report vs a test report?

A bug report is a document that specifically reports defects found during testing, providing detailed information for developers to fix them. A test report, on the other hand, is a comprehensive overview of testing activities and outcomes. It summarises testing results, defect tracking, and metrics and provides insights into software quality.

What is a good bug report?

A good bug report is a detailed yet concise description of an issue that d provides enough information for developers to quickly understand and reproduce it. The features of a good bug report include a descriptive title, steps to reproduce the bug, expected and actual results, environment details, and relevant attachments.

Is a bug report a document?

A bug report is generally a comprehensive record that offers detailed insights into a software defect or problem discovered during testing. It acts as a documentation hub, encapsulating essential details about the bug, instructions for recreating it, specifics about the testing environment, and other pertinent information.Ā 

It’s important to note that while a bug report might adhere to a structured format suitable for export to a .docx file, it’s often generated within a bug reporting tool. These tools present an intuitive and efficient user interface that eliminates redundancy and streamlines interactions with the bug report.

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