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4 mins read
February 26, 2025

Mateo Add-On for aqua: Unlocking New Horizons Through Automation and Collaboration

Imagine a bustling software development team, working to perfect their latest project. The testing phase, an essential yet often cumbersome part of the process, looms large. Hours are spent meticulously running and rerunning tests, ensuring every line of code behaves as expected. The team knows that this is vital, but they also know how draining it can be. Enter aqua, a test management tool that promises to transform this daunting task into a seamless experience. But the real magic begins when aqua joins forces with Mateo, an automation powerhouse, creating a symphony of efficiency and collaboration.

Martin Koch
Nurlan Suleymanov

The Vision

aqua cloud isnā€™t just a platform; itā€™s a solution designed to bring order to the complex world of software testing. Itā€™s built to be intuitive, allowing everyoneā€”from testers to developers, project managers to business ownersā€”to work together effortlessly. The vision behind the collaboration between aqua and Mateo was bold yet simple: merge the formidable automation capabilities of Mateo with the robust test management features of aqua, creating a unified platform where automated test cases could not only be executed but also controlled directly from aqua. The team knew that achieving this would do more than just streamline the testing processā€”it would revolutionize quality assurance itself.

Take OEV, a company that has been at the forefront of this evolution. For years, OEV relied on both aqua and Mateo to conduct their software tests. Creating and executing test cases in aqua was always straightforward, but triggering the Mateo scripts still required manual intervention. It was a gap in the otherwise smooth workflow, one that OEV knew had to be addressed. And so, they turned to Viadee, tasking them with developing a solution that would allow these Mateo scripts to run automatically, directly from aquaā€™s interface.

Bringing the Vision to Life

The answer lay in a sleek Chrome extension developed by Viadee, a bridge between aquaā€™s user-friendly interface and Mateoā€™s powerful automation engine. With this extension, a single click could now initiate the execution of test cases in Mateo, all from within aqua. But it didnā€™t stop there. The extension allowed users to register their aqua instance in Mateo, ensuring that test results were automatically reported back and neatly displayed in aqua, ready for analysis.

Picture this: youā€™ve selected your test cases in aqua, and with one click, the Chrome extension sends them to the Mateo instance running in the background. Mateo gets to work, executing the scripts with precision. Thereā€™s a catch, thoughā€”consistency is key. The Mateo scripts must mirror the naming and structure of the aqua test cases exactly. When the execution is complete, the results are seamlessly uploaded to aqua, where they are presented in a clear, organized format, ready for review.

Seeing Is Believing

To see this in action, watch our video that walks you through the process, showing how Mateo scripts are executed directly from aquaā€™s interface. The video doesnā€™t shy away from the realities of testing; it shows both successful and unsuccessful tests, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at the errors Mateo uncovers and reports back to aqua.

A New Era for Regression Testing

For teams like OEV, once Mateo scripts are in place, regression testing becomes a breeze. The integration with aqua means that test cases can be rerun as often as needed with just a single click. What was once a labor-intensive process is now streamlined, saving precious time and reducing the risk of human error. The result? A product that meets the highest standards of quality.

A Glimpse into the Future

This partnership between aqua and Mateo isnā€™t just about tools; itā€™s about transforming the way teams approach testing and quality assurance. The Chrome extension is more than a featureā€”itā€™s a gateway to a faster, more accurate, and more comprehensive testing process. With every test case executed and every result captured, the path to quality becomes clearer, smoother, and more achievable.

Go above and beyond achieving 100% traceability in your testing efforts

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