time pressure in qa
Best practices Management
8 mins read
June 11, 2024

Time pressure in QA: does it help or hinder the productivity of testers?

How much time do developers need to change a bulb? The answer is enough to write an algorithm, plus as much as testers need to test it. So, in reality, defining this ā€œmuchā€ as testers need is always a big challenge.

Stefan Gogoll
Olga Ryan

All QA leads are struggling to find this golden ratio ā€” it should be enough to have an adequate deadline without time pressure in QA in general but not too long to cause procrastination.

When it comes to time management, many people need to realise that there are several different types of time pressure. Some of them help increase productivity ā€” like clear deadlines, flexible working hours, while others hinder a tester’s performance ā€” strict deadlines without situationality or overworking. But anyway, time pressure in software testing can be used as a tool for your journey on how to increase productivity in the software industry.

What causes time pressure in QA testing?

Being under pressure in any job is a frustrating experience. It often creates a sense of urgency that may increase stress, potentially affecting decision-making and overall performance. The added strain might also impact the quality of your work, causing further frustration because you can’t deliver at the expected level.

So, why does the pressure on QA testing suddenly ramp up? Here’s the lowdown on what creates this sudden rush:Ā 

  1. Shifting Deadlines: Changes in project timelines or sudden deadlines can significantly compress testing schedules, causing time pressure and panic.Ā 
  2. Unexpected Bugs: Unforeseen glitches or bugs during testing demand immediate attention, disrupting your planned timelines and adding pressure.Ā 
  3. Scope Creep: When project requirements expand beyond the initial plan, more testing tasks are crammed into the same timeframe, intensifying time constraints.Ā 
  4. Resource Constraints: Shortages in team members or insufficient testing tools can amplify time pressure in testing, as tasks might take longer due to limited resources.Ā 

For better time pressure management in testing, you should address these factors proactively to ensure smoother and more effective time utilisation.

It helps abstract from procrastination

Letā€™s start with not the most obvious point ā€“ procrastination. There are thousands of coaches who are ready to teach your team to erase procrastination. But can they really do this? I think not.

On a personal level, procrastination can be caused by depression or undiagnosed ADHD (I think we donā€™t speak enough about mental health and its correlation for successful team management). On a corporate level ā€“ a lack of proper time management.

So, if you as a QA lead see that all testers are overwhelmed, itā€™s a sign to reconsider your QA test time management approach. But if you see that just one of your testers doesnā€™t work well under any kind of time pressure, you should be concerned about this person’s health.
By any kind of time pressure I mean two of them ā€” negative and positive.

Negative time pressure can be represented by unrealistic deadlines, overloaded workflow, an enormous number of urgent tests and a stressful schedule of work. I understand that it is an absolutely unhealthy environment to work, but unfortunately, sometimes it happens even in the coolest companies.

Positive time pressure is represented by adequate deadlines, a flexible schedule of tasks, and the realistic expected time for finishing tests.
Here is an example of how you can utilise positive time pressure in your team with aqua.

Set up governing workflows

Itā€™s an aqua workflow. You set all necessary steps up with the expected results. It works almost like a coding algorithm ā€”ā€œif yes, then do thisā€.

And if you see that some of the steps donā€™t work like it is supposed to, you just adjust it and adjust your expectations about results.
And right after, you go to notifications and send all your team an email ā€œHey guys, no rush (or rush). I fixed our workflow, stakeholders can see changes too, we are fine.ā€

Such a workflow helps you see small steps instead of a scoop of tremendous workload. Itā€™s easier to do small tasks, which decreases procrastination in your team.

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Decrease unhealthy multitasking

I am still waiting for the moment when society finally realises that multitasking is not the norm. And they confirmed it 13 years ago in the Stanford study.

In most cases, itā€™s just one of the procrastination forms ā€” just switching between tasks making an illusion of work but in reality, avoiding other tasks. Does it sound familiar?

So in this situation, time pressure can be good reins for a tasks-juggler.

You receive an assignment from your manager and have to complete it within a certain timeframe. This kind of pressure can be helpful if you’re given enough time to finish your tasks, but if you’re given less time, it will prevent you from doing quality work on your projectsā€¦ or switching to other tasks when itā€™s unnecessary.

You have a certain deadline and a certain amount of hours for these tasks, so please be nice to meet them ā€” here is exactly what our content lead, Tania does in aqua, and it works pretty well.

Get rid of micromanagement

If you have ever seen ”Simpsons” you probably remember the episode where Homer and his family are going on a trip, and kids keep asking, ā€œAre we there yetā€ during the entire trip. A typical micromanagement case.

are we there yet simpson gif
If you are a QA lead or senior developer, itā€™s quite challenging to admit that you micromanage your team. But if you do, you better stop. And time pressure can help with better time management in testing without micromanagement.

Start setting up time frames for tasks for yourself first but not for the team. Letā€™s say you know that this task takes 20 hours to be done, and adequately the first scoop of tests will be done only in 4 hours.

So, donā€™t go and check statuses an hour after they receive an assignment. Give you a spare hour on the top of these four hours ā€” so, if they are not done with test results yet, then you can go and check in another hour just to make sure there is some progress.


Productivity of your QA and software development team is the final outcome of many aspects, such as efficient workflow, applied methodologies, and rational time management. And it also includes adequate utilising of time pressure.

There should be a balance in using this almighty tool almost as aquaā€™s QA automation tool. Tight it a little bit hard and you choke your team with too much work and crazy deadlines. Make it too loose and you will drown in procrastination and late releases.

In order to build a successful QA team you will certainly need to explore how to use time pressure for better. And it also might make you face some ugly sides of management ā€” mental health problems, unpleasant management habits, and old stereotypes. But as you master it, be ready, it can bring the sweetest fruits of your work.

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How stressful is software testing?

Software testing can be stressful at times, as testers are responsible for finding and reporting defects in software products that can have significant consequences if left unresolved. Testers may face tight deadlines, constantly changing requirements, and pressure to deliver high-quality products. Additionally, software testing often requires close attention to detail, which can be mentally demanding.

However, the level of stress experienced by software testers can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the size and complexity of the product being tested, the testing environment, the company and team culture, and the individual’s own personal stress management skills. In general, it is important for software testers to have good time-management skills, a strong attention to detail, and the ability to work well under pressure.

What is time pressure in QA?

Time pressure in quality assurance (QA) refers to the constraints and limitations on the amount of time available to complete QA tasks, such as testing, reporting. This can result in a stressful work environment, as QA teams are often working to tight deadlines and may need to prioritise tasks in order to release the most polished software possible rather than bug-free software.

What are the benefits of time pressure in software testing?

The benefits of time pressure in software testing include:

  • Improved focus and efficiency
  • Business-driven prioritisation of tasks
  • Enhanced collaboration among team members
  • Early identification of roadblocks and challenges
  • Increased motivation to deliver high-quality products on time