AI in mobile app testing
Best practices Management
13 mins read
July 16, 2024

Revolutionising mobile app testing with AI: essential tools and expert tips

Do manual mobile testing and even regular automation no longer cut it, resulting in delays and frustrations? Ensuring top-notch performance and a seamless user experience for mobile apps across many devices and operating systems is increasingly challenging every day. But worry not: AI in mobile app testing is the game-changing solution you have always sought, even if you never heard of it.

Robert Weingartz
Nurlan Suleymanov

In this article, we delve into AI in mobile app testing, equipping you with essential tools and tips to overcome challenges bugging you and deliver superior mobile apps. By harnessing AI-powered testing, you’ll optimise your process, save time and resources, and elevate your mobile apps’ overall quality and reliability.

What is mobile testing?

Mobile testing is the process of evaluating and assessing the mobile applications’ functionality, performance, visuals, usability, and overall quality. During mobile testing, you test the applications across various devices, OS, screen sizes, and network conditions to ensure they work seamlessly and meet user expectations.Ā 

Mobile testing covers a wide range of aspects, including:Ā 

  • Functional testing to verify if the app functions as intended.Ā 
  • Usability testing for assessing the user experience and interface.Ā 
  • Performance testing to evaluate speed, responsiveness, and resource usage.Ā 
  • Compatibility testing to address unique issues across different devices and platforms.Ā 
  • Security testing to ensure data and user information are protected.
  • Localisation testing to verify the app’s adaptability to different languages and cultures.

You are either the one that creates automation, or you are getting automated.

Tom Preston-Werner, Software expert

Consider testing the app in multiple platforms, devices and OS Testing other languages. Funnily enough,testing a mobile app comes naturally especially if you're cooped up on phones, because from there you can think of real-world scenarios like long idle times, closing the app abruptly, etc.

Karenz09 Posted in Quality Assurance Reddit thread, 4 months ago

The role of machine learning in app testing

Machine learning is crucial in app testing for several reasons, including the following:Ā 

  1. Test automation: You can use machine learning to automatically generate test cases and scripts. Analysing app behaviour and user patterns with machine learning algorithms will help you identify potential test scenarios and automatically generate test cases, saving testers time and effort.Ā 
  2. Test prioritisation: With machine learning algorithms, you can analyse historical data, including user feedback and usage patterns. It helps you prioritise test cases based on their likelihood of failure or impact on the user experience. This is how you minimise the share of QA failures and their potential impact with the usual amount of testing resources.Ā 
  3. Defect detection: Machine learning techniques are perfect for detecting app defects and anomalies: they help you analyse patterns in code and correlate irregularities with previously observed incorrect app behaviour, within app behaviour and performance data. ML models can identify issues that may go unnoticed with traditional testing approaches or be detected later in the lifecycle.Ā 
  4. Regression testing: Machine learning can aid in regression testing by automatically identifying changes in app behaviour and prioritising tests based on the impact of those changes. This helps ensure that existing functionality remains intact while new features or updates are introduced.
  5. User experience testing: Machine learning can assist in analysing user behaviour, preferences, and feedback to optimise the user experience. By analysing user data and patterns, machine learning models can suggest improvements or identify areas where the app may fall short of user expectations.

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Pros and cons of using AI for Mobile Application Testing

Using AI in mobile app testing can bring several benefits and drawbacks. Here are some pros and cons to consider:Ā 


  • Test automation: AI can automate repetitive testing tasks, simulate user interactions, identify bugs, and provide accurate test results, improving testing coverage and reducing manual effort.Ā 
  • Increased test coverage: AI handles large volumes of data and performs more comprehensive testing than humans. It ensures thorough testing under different scenarios, enhancing reliability and compatibility.Ā 
  • Faster time-to-market: Using AI software for application testing accelerates testing, enabling faster bug detection and resolution. This reduces the testing time, results in quicker release cycles, and improves time-to-market.Ā 
  • Improved accuracy: As mentioned earlier, AI can analyse vast testing data and detect patterns to identify potential defects more accurately than manual testing. This leads to more reliable bug detection and minimises the chances of overlooking critical issues.Ā 


  • Learning curve: To implement AI testing, you need initial setup, configuration, and integration with existing systems. The learning curve also involves understanding and effectively utilising AI testing tools and frameworks, which is usually time-consuming.Ā 
  • Human involvement required: No matter how advanced, AI-driven testing can not replicate human testers’ intuition and subjective analysis. It might miss certain context-specific scenarios or the impact of user interactions that humans could easily identify.Ā 
  • Data dependency: AI tools and models rely on high-quality, real data, which is challenging to get, especially if the data needs to be diverse and representative of various scenarios. When people claim to have a good algorithm, the source of their data is essential to evaluate the validity of their results. Vendors must be transparent about the data sources they use and the processes they follow to ensure fairness and avoid biases. Data privacy and security are significant concerns when using AI tools involving personal or sensitive data. aqua cloud addresses this concern by allowing data incorporation as an optional step and not storing it for extended periods, offering a privacy-focused approach, unlike ChatGPT.
  • Limited domain knowledge: Sometimes, AI struggles with domain-specific knowledge and complex business rules. It might be unreliable in assessing the application’s functionality from a business perspective.

How to perform mobile app testing with AI

Performing AI mobile app testing involves the following steps:

1. Define the objectives

Define the objectives of your mobile app testing by determining the key functionality, user scenarios, and performance metrics that need to be evaluated.

2. Collect diverse and representative datasets

Collect diverse and representative datasets of real-world user interactions, including user inputs, gestures, and expected app behaviour.

3. Choose AI tools

Select AI tools or QA testing platforms that align with your testing requirements. In this case, your go-to option would be an AI-powered TMS like aqua cloud.

4. Generate test scenarios

Generate test scenarios using these AI-powered tools. The AI models can generate many test cases and scenarios to cover different functionalities and usage patterns.

5. Execute and monitor

Execute and monitor the generated test scenarios on various mobile devices and platforms. Check the app’s behaviour and performance during testing, and compare it against the expected results defined in the training phase.

6. Analyse the test results

Analyse the test results from cases generated by the AI models and identify all anomalies, deviations, or potential bugs in the app’s behaviour. The AI models may also provide insights into the root causes of the bugs and help prioritise them based on severity.

7. Use manual testing

Use manual testing in exploratory testing, UX evaluation, and scenario validation that require subjective analysis and domain expertise.

Tips for successful mobile app testing with AI

To achieve successful mobile app testing with AI, consider these tips:Ā 

  1. Prioritise test case selection by identifying critical cases impacting the app’s functionality and UX. Start by automating these cases using AI, focusing on core features, performance, security, and compatibility across different devices and platforms.Ā Ā 
  2. Select the right AI tools that align with your app’s requirements, including testing platforms like aqua cloud. Understand the tool’s strengths and limitations before integrating them into your testing process.
  3. Combine AI and visual testing to detect UI and layout inconsistencies in various devices. AI algorithms can analyse visual elements and identify alignment, responsiveness, and graphical issues.Ā 
  4. Leverage Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to extract relevant information from feedback, reports, and documentation. Utilising NLP assists in test case generation and identifying potential areas of improvement.Ā 
  5. Embrace exploratory testing by employing AI to support exploratory testing. Provide intelligent suggestions, insights, and recommendations to human testers to guide testers towards potential areas of concern.Ā 
  6. Evaluate third-party AI testing solutions in mobile app testing that provide pre-trained models, ready-to-use test cases, and advanced analytics. They help you save time and effort in building and training AI models from scratch.
  7. Foster collaboration and knowledge sharing between AI experts, developers, and testers. Use the ideas, experiences, and lessons learned to maximise the benefits of AI and machine learning to test mobile apps.

Mobile testing with AI

The best tool for mobile app testing

Regarding mobile app testing, aqua cloud is a top-notch AI solution that streamlines your entire testing process. This modern test case management tool offers a range of robust features designed to enhance efficiency and collaboration across your teams.Ā 

With aqua, you can use AI-powered test case generation to speed up your mobile app testing process while ensuring comprehensive coverage of functionalities. The platform’s intuitive interface empowers testers to create and customise test cases from scratch, seamlessly adapting to their unique requirements.Ā 

By harnessing the power of AI, aqua helps you automate repetitive tasks, significantly reducing manual effort and minimising the risk of human error. This automation accelerates the testing process and delivers more reliable results.Ā 

aqua’s AI capabilities also include voice requirement narration, allowing you to dictate your requirements and automatically transform them. With this functionality, you will provide a novel and efficient way to document your requirements precisely.Ā 

For context and compatibility with your existing testing ecosystem, aqua offers the option to use your current workspace or manually enter context. This ensures that the AI-generated test cases align with your app’s specific needs and testing environment.Ā 

Furthermore, aqua cloud is a centralised platform, including real-time updates, progress tracking, and a collaborative environment for efficient feedback sharing and swift issue resolution. In addition to its AI features, aqua facilitates integration with other testing tools and frameworks like Selenium and SoapUI. This compatibility ensures a smooth and cohesive testing process by leveraging your preferred automation tools.

Beyond AI, aqua stands out as a powerful Test Management System (TMS). It offers advanced features like robust workflows and comprehensive reporting that streamline the testing process and enhance overall test management efficiency. With its scalable and flexible solution, aqua adapts to the evolving needs of your mobile app testing process, making it an ideal choice for your testing requirements.

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Final thoughts

Integrating AI in mobile app testing has revolutionised the testing landscape, offering faster, more accurate, and more efficient methods. AI-powered solutions have enhanced testing processes and improved app quality, from test generation to bug detection and performance monitoring. By leveraging AI, you can stay competitive, deliver high-quality apps, and meet user expectations in an ever-evolving digital world.

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Can artificial intelligence be used in application testing?

Yes, AI can be leveraged in application testing in various ways, including test automation, intelligent test case generation, test data management, defect prediction and analysis.

How is artificial intelligence (AI) used in mobile apps?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is used in mobile apps to enhance user experiences, automation, and analytics. Features like voice assistants, chatbots, and recommendation systems make apps smarter and more interactive thanks to contributions from image recognition, natural language processing, and predictive analytics tech.

What are the benefits of using AI in mobile testing?

Using AI in mobile testing offers numerous advantages:

  • Increased Efficiency: AI can automate repetitive tasks, significantly speeding up the testing process.
  • Improved Accuracy: AI reduces human error, ensuring more reliable and consistent test results.
  • Enhanced Test Coverage: AI can generate a wide range of test cases, covering more scenarios than manual testing.
  • Faster Bug Detection: AI quickly identifies and reports bugs, allowing for faster resolution and improved app quality.
  • Continuous Learning: AI algorithms learn from previous tests, continuously improving their accuracy and effectiveness.
  • Resource Optimisation: AI optimises the use of testing resources, reducing costs and freeing up human testers for more complex tasks.
  • Predictive Analysis: AI can predict potential issues before they occur, allowing for proactive problem-solving.

Overall, AI app testing ensures a more efficient, accurate, and comprehensive testing process, leading to higher-quality mobile applications.

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