TOP 4 Rules for Building a Successful Blockchain Testing Strategy
Best practices Management
9 mins read
March 25, 2024

TOP 4 rules for building a successful blockchain testing strategy

The buzz around blockchain-based solutions spread over to the mainstream quite suddenly. When you have a technically complex solution that customers still expect to just work, good QA is a must. Read on to learn the key rules of blockchain application testing.

Robert Weingartz
Denis Matusovskiy

What is a blockchain testing strategy?

Blockchain testing strategy involves a set of planned approaches and methodologies to ensure blockchain-based applications or systems’ reliability, security, and functionality. This strategy involves a series of planned testing activities aimed at identifying and mitigating potential risks, ensuring the integrity of transactions, and verifying the overall performance of the blockchain network.

Key elements of blockchain testing strategy

Key elements of a blockchain testing strategy include:Ā 

  1. Functional Testing involves validating the core functionality of the blockchain system, such as transaction processing, data storage, and consensus mechanisms. It ensures that the blockchain network operates as expected and adheres to specified requirements.Ā 
  2. Security Testing is essential for identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the blockchain infrastructure, including potential attack vectors, cryptographic flaws, and unauthorised access points. By conducting security testing, you can safeguard sensitive data, protect against cyber threats, and maintain the integrity of the blockchain network.Ā 
  3. Performance Testing evaluates the blockchain network’s scalability, throughput, and latency under various conditions, such as high transaction volumes and network congestion. Performance testing helps identify bottlenecks, optimise resource allocation, and ensure that the blockchain system can handle the expected workload efficiently.Ā 
  4. Smart Contract Testing focuses on verifying the logic, functionality, and security of smart contracts deployed on the blockchain. This includes testing for vulnerabilities, ensuring proper code execution, and validating contract interactions to prevent potential exploits or bugs.Ā 
  5. Integration Testing involves testing the interoperability and compatibility of the blockchain system with external components, such as third-party applications, APIs, and legacy systems. It ensures seamless communication and data exchange between different systems within the blockchain ecosystem.Ā 
  6. Regulatory Compliance Testing ensures that the blockchain solution complies with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards, such as data privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR) and financial regulations (e.g., KYC/AML). It helps mitigate legal risks and ensures the blockchain solution meets regulatory requirements.

Including blockchain test automation and blockchain performance testing in the overall strategy will enhance your blockchain-based solutions’ reliability, security, and performance, deliver better user experiences, and ensure the success of your blockchain initiatives.

Draft your blockchain testing strategy early

Even for small-scale effort, efficient quality assurance does not happen without a game plan. In fact, it could be even more important to avoid wasting effort in a very chaotic manner. You wonā€™t save time by rushing this stage at all.

There is a separate reason why you should be smart about your blockchain testing, one your team may have not encountered in other industries. From elections to trading, blockchain transactions are valued for being transparent and immutable. Any mistake that leads to erroneous entries into the blockchain means a dirty hack or separate functionality to work around incorrect submissions. This extra work hurts smaller projects the most.

Our QA engineer Anton Chadin reminds about another caveat of testing something irreversible:

Anton Chadin, QA Engineer, aqua

ā€˜Data is not deleted from the chain either. If your company follows the GDPR, testers need to be careful about which data is stored. In general, you need to be extra cautious about not using sensitive information in testsā€™.

Luckily, the decades of lessons learned from making testing strategies apply to blockchain as well. Things become even easier if your company already has some high-level test documentation to guide you around general goals and universal practices. If that is the case, you will actually be making a simple test plain and not a testing strategy.

The variety of testing strategies deserves a separate article. We happen to have one right here. Donā€™t open it unless you would like to find the 6 key types of testing strategies.

Pick your foundation wisely

As you were building testing strategy for blockchain, you certainly realised there are technology-specific user stories that require some extra work before they can be tested. Luckily, the blockchain enthusiastsā€™ preference for wide availability extends to development and QA solutions as well. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Hyperledger Fabric is an application framework designed specifically for bringing business people into development. It provides solid support for automated testing, including unit tests that significantly reduce the actual QA effort.
  • Populus is another QA-friendly solution for developing Ethereum-based projects. It enables test automation with Python and mixes smart contract testing with a universal and widespread pytest QA framework.
  • Alternatively, Ethereum Tester is a dedicated QA solution that you can use for blockchain projects made elsewhere. It comes with APIs for forking out-of-the-box and even mining if your product happens to have a mineable coin.

The pros and cons here go beyond developersā€™ and testersā€™ convenience:

Anton Chadin, QA Engineer, aqua

ā€˜The performance of blockchain applications is tied to the performance of individual blockchain components. Your solution will run as fast as the slowest component does. The potential latency that comes from one underperforming piece should be considered for both development and QAā€™.

When you pick a development environment for blockchain products, remember that your testing is not limited to specialised software. Most of the automated testing can be done with general test automation tools that you may integrate into the project.

Choose the right test management tool

All the tests and the defects that you find with them should be stored somewhere. Powering QA with Excel would be at the very least inconsistent if youā€™re making a disruptive Web 3.0 solution. You need a separate tool with some street credibility and the flexibility to push new heights.

Generally, the choice comes down to test management tools and application lifecycle management (ALM) solutions. The latter are all-in-one hubs that help you carry out the entire project, from requirements and development to software testing. Why juggle 4 tools (including a separate requirements management tool) when you can use just one?

When picking your solution, one piece of advice would be to think long-term. The ideal candidate should have simple migration to get data in and out. More importantly, it should not be a sealed box that relies on the developer for support. You need to be able to build custom integrations with third-party software yourself.

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Incorporate specialised tests

Whether itā€™s an on-premise or web-based blockchain app, the strategy for testing will require some specialised tests. Both the QA lead and their colleagues will have to do some extra research unless they have done blockchain testing before.

Ultimately, hands-on blockchain testing comes down to block generation and transaction processing. You need to verify that nodes receive data correctly and in chronological order. The blockchain integrity should not be affected by individual nodes temporarily losing connection to the network. Naturally, the blockchain access permissions should be on point to avoid malicious actors ruining your solution.

Blockchain-specific tests should not tempt you to neglect the overall user experience and other functionality. The fact that Samsung has a robust blockchain backend for their NFT store does not mean much to users if the actual marketplace is too messy.Ā 


A successful blockchain testing strategy is a mix of three things. You put effort into planning, you respect the specifics of testing a blockchain solution, and you donā€™t neglect other aspects of your solution. Follow these rules and to the moon you go.

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How to test Blockchains?

Testing blockchains involves verifying the functionality, security, and scalability of the decentralised system, including its consensus mechanism, smart contracts, and network protocols. This can be done through manual or automated tests using both common and specialised tools. The methods include network simulation, code analysis, and security testing. The goal is to ensure the integrity and reliability of the blockchain, and to identify and fix any issues before deployment.

What are the best strategies of blockchain testing?

Blockchain testing strategies include:

  • Test planning and design
  • Test automation
  • Testing data consistency and integrity
  • Security testing
  • Network testing
  • Load and performance testing
  • Smart contract testing
How to build a blockchain testing strategy?

To build a blockchain testing strategy, you should follow these steps:

  • Define test scope, goals and objectives
  • Identify key components and areas to test (e.g. consensus mechanism, security, performance, etc.)
  • Plan and design tests (e.g. unit, integration, end-to-end, security, load testing)
  • Use test automation and tools to validate blockchain components
  • Evaluate results, identify and address any issues
  • Regularly review and update the testing strategy
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