Author Profile Information - Tania Zhydkova

Community Builder at aqua
On the Web
About the author

Tania Zhydkova is a community builder with 5 years of experience in the tech industry. At aqua, she is working on creating a welcoming environment that brings like-minded QA engineers together

Articles on the site
The ultimate guide to shift-left testing principles in DevOps
Just before the software goes live, you discover one last-minute bug. What a disaster! What to do? The race against the clock, the frustration, and the tension might be too overwhelming. If you want to solve this once and for all, there is a way out: DevOps experts recommend an approach called "shift-left" testing. In this article, we will look at the reasons why DevOps recommend a shift-left strategy and how it will help you to deliver high-quality software for your end users.
17 May 2023
Die 6 häufigsten Schwachstellen, die bei Penetrationstests gefunden werden
Alle Unternehmen, die Daten verarbeiten, Finanzinformationen sammeln oder geistiges Eigentum schützen, müssen Penetrationstests durchführen. Leider nimmt die Zahl der Cyberangriffe von Tag zu Tag zu. Juniper Research hat einen neuen Bericht veröffentlicht, aus dem hervorgeht, dass mehr als 33 Milliarden Datensätze durch Cyberangriffe gestohlen werden.
02 May 2023
6 most common vulnerabilities found during penetration testing
According to a new report by Juniper Research, over 33 billion records are stolen as a result of cyberattacks. Because of the increasing cyberattacks, penetration testing is no longer an option but a necessity – especially for any business handling data, gathering financial details, or establishing personal intellectual property.
02 May 2023
Top 40 QA interview questions to ace your dream job
If you are preparing for a job interview in QA, familiarising yourself with the most important interview questions that might come your way is important. Want to give yourself an edge? Then, you should study the most tricky quality assurance interview questions and answer them in the most structured, strategic way. 
28 March 2023
Die einzige Checkliste, die Sie brauchen, um im Jahr 2024 eine Website zu erstellen
Publishing a website can be a daunting prospect. The job doesn’t end here either: you will need to do some work after finally pressing the button as well. Fear not: we got you covered with the ultimate website launch checklist.
16 March 2023
The only checklist you will need to launch a website in 2024
Publishing a website can be a daunting prospect. The job doesn’t end here either: you will need to do some work after finally pressing the button as well. Fear not: we got you covered with the ultimate website launch checklist.
16 March 2023
Die besten QS- und Testkonferenzen von 2024
Da die Pandemie nun abklingt, bietet die Community eine großartige Mischung aus Offline- und Online-Softwaretestkonferenzen. In diesem Artikel werden wir einige bevorstehende Veranstaltungen in Europa und darüber hinaus vorstellen.
10 February 2023
The best software QA and testing conferences of 2024
Now that the pandemic is subsiding, the community has an amazing mix of offline and online software testing conferences. In this article, we will cover some upcoming events in Europe and beyond.
10 February 2023
Software testing talks #13: learning ML from basics, tips for the first interview & the best Christmas present for testers
It's been a long time since we released an article with the latest software talks, but we are back! So here is the 13th edition of our monthly Software Testing Talks that covers the latest news and discussions in the quality assurance and software development community in December 2022.
16 January 2023
Die 10 besten Tools für KI-basierte Testautomatisierung
KI-gestützte Testautomatisierungswerkzeuge sind die Marktlücke, der man folgen sollte. Sie revolutionieren die Testautomatisierung und helfen dabei, Zeit in Bereichen jenseits der regulären automatisierten Qualitätssicherung zu sparen. Lassen Sie uns die spannende und vielfältige Auswahl der besten KI-gestützten Lösungen erkunden.
30 December 2022
Top 10 tools for AI-based test automation
AI-powered test automation tools are the market niche to follow. They take test automation to the next level but also help you save time in areas beyond regular automated QA. Let’s look at the exciting and variable landscape of the best AI-powered solutions.
30 December 2022
12 mistakes you can make while choosing a mobile test automation framework
When developing for iOS or Android, it is extremely important to choose a mobile test automation framework that suits your solution best. Mobile development simply has too many variations in configurations to test everything manually. Read to find tips that will help you nail automated QA and not let it derail the entire project.
22 November 2022
Zeiteinschätzung in der QS: Bewährte Praktiken von 5 verschiedenen Senior-Testern
Albert Einstein war in vielerlei Hinsicht seiner Zeit voraus, als er verkündete, dass Zeit relativ ist. Bei der Produktentwicklung (einschließlich Qualitätssicherung) kann eine Stunde eher zwei oder drei Stunden bedeuten. Wir haben 5 erfahrene Tester gefragt, wie sie realistische Schätzungen vornehmen, damit auch Sie dies machen können.
12 October 2022
Time estimation in QA: best practices of 5 different senior testers
Albert Einstein was ahead of time in many ways when he proclaimed that time is relative. Indeed, product development (including QA) is where one hour can be more like two or three hours. We asked 5 senior testers how they make realistic estimates so you can do that too.
12 October 2022
The Role of AI in Modern Software Testing: 2024 Update
Artificial Intelligence has become a tiresome buzzword; for better or worse, it actually works. AI methods allow companies to do things faster and with higher precision — and you just love to see both in software testing. Now, where do you begin?
16 August 2022
TOP 20 Quality Assurance metrics in software testing
What sets a successful QA project apart from a mediocre one? It's the ability to measure, analyse, and improve. In software development, QA metrics are the key to transforming your testing strategy and ensuring your product meets the highest standards. In this guide, we’ll explore the top 20 QA metrics that distinguish exceptional QA efforts from the rest. You’ll discover how the right metrics can enhance your testing process, improve product quality, and ensure your project’s success. Ready to elevate your QA game? Read on to learn how metrics can make all the difference.
14 July 2022
Software testing talks #12: handwritten tests, QA vs QA, and #FreeTesters
This is the 12th edition of our monthly Software Testing Talks and covers what happened in the quality assurance and software development community in June 2022
07 July 2022
Softwaretestgespräche #12: Handgeschriebene Tests, QS gegen QS und #FreeTesters
Dies ist die 12. Ausgabe unserer monatlichen Software Testing Talks, die sich mit den Ereignissen in der Qualitätssicherungs- und Softwareentwicklungsbranche im Juni 2022 befasst
07 July 2022
What is Application Performance Monitoring (APM)?
Application performance monitoring (APM) brings engineering into software engineering. It spots the strong and weak points of your solution on both technical and conceptual levels. But what is APM’s value and how do you achieve it?
04 July 2022
Software testing talks #11: QA happiness, testers’ cookbook and cyberpunk
Every month in our Software Testing Talks, we browse through all popular testers’ and software developers' discussions to see what new or emerging trends we should pay attention to.
13 May 2022
Evaluating aqua vs Qase: Features, Usability, and Support Analysis
There are certainly more test management tools than hours in the day to go through all of them. We’re here to help: this article compares AI-powered aqua TMS and one of the newest test management tools — Qase.
28 April 2022
How to prepare your QA team for test automation
Whether it’s extra efficiency or the sheer size of the project, manual testing can’t always be your only option. But how do you prepare QA team for test automation? Let’s find out.
22 April 2022
Software testing talks #10: QA hypocrisy, Agile’s myths and vacuum cleaner
Don't miss a thing with our regular 'Software testing talks' blog posts covering the quality assurance talks and testers' discussions about software development and testing.
24 March 2022
Software testing talks: testers intuition, immortal AI and testing your vaccination QR code
In the ‘Software testing talks’ blog posts we regularly highlight the quality assurance matters and testers' discussions around the world about hot topics related to software development and testing.
10 March 2022
Software testing talks: QA coordinators, “superstar” or “rockstar” devs, and some more goodies
Our ‘Software testing talks’ blog posts cover all significant events of the quality assurance world and the most active discussions from different communities.
16 February 2022
How to do efficient QA when hotfixes alter your test plan and sprint
"How to adopt & do efficient QA in a situation when hotfixes alter your test plan and Sprint?" — that's an interesting question we found in a r/softwaretestingtalks community.
04 January 2022
Software testing talks: KPIs for QA, expensive mistakes, and daily stand-ups
In our ‘Software testing talks’ blog posts we collect the most active discussions in different communities about everything connected to software testing.
23 November 2021
Testers’ ideas flow of the week: response on resume 90%, large organizations and question from Apple interview
In our ‘Testers ideas flow’ blog posts we collect the most active discussions in different communities about everything connected to software testing.
09 November 2021
Testers’ ideas flow of the week: zero experience, bug reports and risk mitigation
In our 'Testers ideas flow' blog posts we collect the most active discussions in different communities about everything connected to software testing.
29 October 2021
Testers’ ideas flow of the week: books, shift left testing, and incompetent engineering teams
Every week, we collect the most active discussions in different communities about everything connected to software testing. 
13 October 2021
Testers’ ideas flow of the week: TDD, QA taking work of IT support and poor testability
Every week, we collect the most active discussions in different communities about everything connected to software testing. 
06 October 2021
Testers’ ideas flow of the week: critical thinking, good QA managers and the cost of automating everything
What is going on in testing communities? Every week, we collect the most active discussions in different communities about everything connected to software testing. 
28 September 2021
Testers’ ideas flow of the week: metrics for QA, definitions of done and freedom
What is going on in testing communities? Every week, we are going to collect vigorous discussions from different software testing communities.
21 September 2021
Database Testing: How to Perform + 7 Best Tools
Database testing is a crucial part of the software development process. Unit and schema testing is a must when we talk about database testing, and stress-testing is also vital. But how to understand what kind of tests you have to perform on your database and which ones you can omit? Let’s see more closely why we cannot miss unit testing while performing database testing and how you can do the unit testing on databases.
09 September 2021
New aqua version 21.0 available
In aqua 21.0, the focus is on collaboration. Especially in testing, the collaboration is facilitated by helpful functionalities and automatisms.
16 August 2021
The top 5 programming languages
If you want to be a designer rather than a spectator of the digital change, there is no way around the most popular programming languages.
27 January 2020
5 Examples of How AI is Revolutionizing Software Testing
For several years now, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have been considered trendsetting technologies. Reliable software for self-driving cars or further developments in robot technology would hardly be possible without AI and ML. It is, therefore, no surprise that leading global companies such as Tesla or Google are not only focusing on these technologies but are also actively driving development forward.
23 January 2020
Megatrend-Map shows digital drivers
The Megatrend-Map currently published by the Zukunftsinstitut shows the twelve central trends of our time. They are intended to represent the biggest drivers of change that influence all aspects of the economy and society.
08 January 2020
Agile Test Management and DevOps: A Complete Integration Guide
The processes in software development never stand still. Again and again, new approaches and trends emerge, which are supposed to bring more efficiency, higher quality or more frequent releases. But what advantages do these new methods actually offer?
19 December 2019
3 questions for
Karin Deutscher, Project Manager, explains in an interview why the quality of test management is decisive for the service provider in the energy sector and what role security, transparency and agility play in this.
03 December 2019